Warsaken – Best Blockchain Game

Warsaken – Best Blockchain Game

Warsaken  As resources across the globe are depleted, tensions among nations rises. While some focus on developing disruptive technologies, others fight to gain control of the limited resources available. Military geniuses have risen to power as their skill with strategy becomes essential to maintain positions of strength on a global scale

Nowhere is this more apparent than the Rizhan Strait. One-third of the world’s fuel flows through this waterway, as well as abundant shipping of equipment and supplies. In addition, the Strait borders multiple nations, and provides strategic footholds to many others in terms of military power.

Military movements, resource-processing installations, and defensive installations are increasing in the area surrounding the Rizhan Strait. A strong military presence is necessary to prevent escalation in hostilities and exploitation of the resources and shipping lanes by a single nation or a league of nations, as rumors of a super alliance have surfaced.

Nearly every nation is currently committed to military actions in all corners of the world, and therefore unable to rally the forces necessary to keep this vital region open and neutral. Are you up to the challenge to lead your troops and stop a group of nations attempting to disrupt the delicate balance of the Strait?

If you are brave enough to take on the powerful Cabal, be aware, you will have to face them alone!

Solo game mode coming to digital game and tabletop

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Warsaken – Best Blockchain Game

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