HeroBook – Best Blockchain game

HeroBook – Best Blockchain game

HeroBook During the Certa period, a large meteorite explosion occurred on the planet CyberPlanet in the Pinwhell Galaxy. This event has reshaped the life of the creatures here. The Creation – the creator of CyberPlanet – turned all creatures into intelligent machines with a seed called Genesis. From there was born the Geneborg era (mechanical animals).

The Creation’s ambition is great, she created a battle for survival in an arena called Cyber Arena to find outstanding individuals to start the conquest. At the Cyber Arena, the Geneborgs will have to destroy each other, the strongest – Super Geneborg – will be saved his name in the Herobook – the book of champions.

This war will end if a Super Geneborg has the ability to overthrow The Creation to bring CyberPlanet back to a peaceful time.





HeroBook – Best Blockchain game

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